Green Mountain Pest Control
Call or Text me NOW! 423-331-8461

Image licensed for use from Alex Wild.
Services - Pest Control / Exterminator Athens, Benton, Cleveland TN
You can choose a one-off/one-time service for almost any pest you have. Mice, rats, termites, bed bugs, roaches, clover mites, wood-boring wasps, mosquitoes, earwigs, wasps, silverfish, yellow jackets, hornets, spiders, ants, carpenter bees, beetles and more. You can also hire me to do your termite/wood-destroying insect inspection for your home purchase.
Quarterly pest control services allow you to not worry about general pest problems inside your home and provide you with the best value. There is no contract and you can cancel at any time. I will call you every three months to schedule your service. You can call me anytime you like and I will provide free visits between scheduled services if needed.
What pests are covered in the quarterly service agreement?
Ants, yellow jackets, spiders, mice, bees, rats, scorpions, roaches, silverfish, wasps, weevils, earwigs, beetles, etc. Generally, any pest concern is covered outside of what is listed in add-on options or as not covered below.
Add-on options?
Termites, bed bugs, mosquitoes, ticks, and more!
Snakes, and animals (raccoons, possums, etc) are not covered.
What areas are covered?
Inside your home and your porch/deck areas. My goal is to make sure you are comfortable and happy enjoying your home. You should rarely if ever have live general pests inside your home. Yellow Jacket nests in walls or attached to homes are covered. I would treat problems such as these as needed with NO additional fee if they arise between scheduled service dates.
Expanded coverage for your lawn and more!
Mosquitoes, noseeums, ticks, and more. I offer custom pest control solutions and exterminator services for Cleveland TN, Athens TN, Benton TN, Ocoee TN, and Etowah TN. Let me give you a quote today!